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The study of hidden symbols, sacred geometry, inner- and outer spaces, and mysticism, has led me to create this unique "vocabulary of meaning". I call these icons "Luminous Darlings", and since 2016 I have composed over 50 of them. I built this online home so that I could share the symbols with others, and to encourage people to discover their own "meanings".
Naturally people want to know what these symbols mean. First, here's a bit about the process I use to create them. I'll be walking down the street thinking about the meaning of life, or about an interaction I just had, or a story I've read. Suddenly I spot something that seems connected somehow. A special shape or an image or word triggers me, and I begin to feel that a "darling" is ready to be born. I stay open to inspiration this way, and I do my best to record it in the moment.
It seems that constructing the design is an excercise I do to understand its deeper meaning. Usually right away more signs appear and conversations are had, often with myself. I look for a napkin or a laptop and start to sketch. I use my conscious mind and drawing skills to begin with, and I try to remain open to things around me and to mistakes or inspirations along the way. That's how it usually goes...
In the galleries below, are images of my darlings, along with some "key" words or ideas that inspired me. I know people want to know what the symbols mean, but I encourage you to add to my meanings by tuning into your own reactions and sharing them with me.
- Christopher DeWinter -
Click on an image below to enter the gallery of your choice. Visit another and another as you wish. Enjoy!